Request Query

Query Parameters

For APIs that provide a collection of records, you can filter the records by using query parameters. Below are the available query parameters that can be used unless otherwise stated on specific API pages.

filterstringFilters results to match the exact column value (case-sensitive).
ifilterstringFilters results to match the exact column value (case-insensitive).
containsstringFilters results to match a partial column value (case-sensitive).
icontainsstringFilters results to match a partial column value (case-insensitive).
rangestringFilters numerical column values within a specified range.
sortstringSpecifies the records order (ascending or descending).
date_startdateFilters results starting from a specific date.
date_enddateFilters results ending at a specific date.
timestamp_startdatetimeFilters results starting from a specific timestamp.
timestamp_enddatetimeFilters results ending at a specific timestamp.
limitintegerSets the maximum number of records to return.
includestringSpecifies which columns to include in the records.
excludestringSpecifies which columns to exclude from the records.

Please note that the filter parameter is used for row-level filtering, while include/exclude parameters are used for column-level filtering.

Query Syntax

When working with the OpenAPI, you can define query parameters by appending a question mark (?) after the base URL. Query parameters consist of a key-value pair, where the key and value are separated by an equal sign (=).

The filter Parameter

# single column
# multiple columns
  • Filters the data based on a case-sensitive exact string match.
  • <value>: Represents the desired string value within the <column>.
  • <column>: Denotes the column to be filtered.

The ifilter Parameter

  • Filters data based on a case-insensitive exact string match.
  • <value>: Represents the desired string value within the <column>.
  • <column>: Denotes the column to be filtered.

The contains Parameter

  • Filters data based on a case-sensitive partial string match.
  • <value>: Represents a partial string value within the <column>.
  • <column>: Denotes the column to be filtered.

The icontains Parameter

  • Filters data based on a case-insensitive partial string match.
  • <value>: Represents a partial string value within the <column>.
  • <column>: Denotes the column to be filtered.

The range Parameter

  • Filters data within a specified numerical range.
  • <column> (required): Specifies the column to be filtered.
  • <begin> and <end> (optional): Define the numerical range, both values are inclusive. If not provided, the lowest and highest possible values are used.

The sort Parameter

# single columm
# multiple columns
?sort=<column1, -column2, ...>
  • Sorts data based on specified columns and their respective order. You can separate multiple columns with commas (,).
  • <column1>: Represents the column to be sorted in ascending order.
  • -<column2>: Represents the column to be sorted in descending order. Prefixing a dash (-) indicates descending order.

The date_start and date_end Parameters

  • Filters data within a specified date range.
  • <YYYY-MM-DD>: Represent the start and end dates (inclusive) of the desired date range.
  • <date_column>: Denotes the date column to be filtered.

The timestamp_start and timestamp_end Parameters

?timestamp_start=<YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS>@<timestamp_column>
?timestamp_end=<YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS>@<timestamp_column>
  • Filters data within a specified timestamp range.
  • <YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS>: Represent the start and end timestamps (inclusive) of the desired timestamp range.
  • <timestamp_column>: Denotes the timestamp column to be filtered.

The limit Parameter

  • Specifies the maximum number of records to return.
  • <value>: Should be a non-negative integer indicating the maximum number of records to be returned. If the total available records are less than the specified limit, all available records are returned.

The include and exclude Parameters

  • Format: Specifies which columns to include or exclude in the response.
  • <column1, column2, ...>: Specifies the columns to be included or excluded, separated by commas. When both include and exclude parameters are provided, include takes precedence.